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100% Flowing Value Processes

Assure Continuous Process Flow and apply the Pull System to avoid overproduction, establishing a workload leveling system, all these three for matching flexibly the customer demand getting the goal “Being on time” in a sustainable way.

The main benefits of this transformations towards an efficient Value Creation flow are among others:

  1. The Lead-time reduction of the critical production and service processes and the increase of the value added share in the whole process.
  2. Identification throughout the whole production or service providing main processes those workstations or activities where critical operations are being carried out and define an strategy to improve those workplaces and associated areas in terms of security, quality, costs and time through Kaizen initiatives
  3. The stock level reduction that leads to the saving of financial costs associated to those assets in our production and service providing processes. Leading to an efficient Value Creation Lever for the company.

Therefore "100% Flowing Value Processes" is the target. In CSCM Lean Projects we are specialized in analyzing the processes in terms of value creation flow. Through a detailed analysis of the current situation we provide the customers with a “handful” of potential scenarios we assist the companies implementing those new scenarios helping to achieve the associated benefits. Pull and Customer Tact oriented solutions are the key to get the best performance of the Production and service processes.

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Carlos Calvo

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