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Using Operational Excellence as an Strategic Weapon

(J.K.Liker. Toyota Way 2004)

This sentence summarize what Lean Philosophy would bring to all companies who wants to achieve the World Class Excelence in their respective field of business.

Based on the simple but powerful axiom the right process will lead to the best results, the lean methodology lead to much more robust processes developing this axiom by:

  • Assure Continuous Process Flow and apply the Pull System to avoid overproduction, establishing a workload leveling system, all this three for matching flexibly the customer demand getting the goal “Being on time” in a sustainable way.
  • Stop of Production/Service processes to Fix and solve the Problems in Kaizen virtuous cycle. Target is Quality, cost and time according to the Customer requirements right at first shot.
  • Workplace Organization and standardization, and use reliable and thoroughly tested technology is the key for gaining dramatically efficiency in the core business processes. Standardized tasks are the foundation for continuous improvement and employee empowerment.
  • Transform the company in a Learning organization where people work to achieve exceptional results, consequently living Company Philosophy. Develop multifunctional teams and train them to successfully support this transformation and make it alive. Teaching teams how to work together to achieve common goals critical for the company is a MUST for a company pursuing the excellence.

This management philosophy has been implemented systematically during decades in Toyota and already more than 10 years in companies of very different serviced and manufacturing sectors and the very positive results have been already widely documented in the statistics of those World Class Management Firms.

We in CSCM Lean Projects are truly convinced of the benefits associated to this management system and we are prepared to help your company to get your best Lean targets.

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Carlos Calvo

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